Jive in Open Source
Mission Statement
To support the collaborative development of open source software that helps bring people, process and technology together.Organizations

The ASF is a decentralized community of collaborative developers that produce and distribute software under the Apache License.

OpenSocial is the industry's leading and most mature standards-based component model for cloud based social apps.

Coordinate development on the following open source projects: jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile, QUnit, and Sizzle.

Hadoop is the leading open source project in Big Data. It is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models.

jQuery Mobile
jQuery Mobile is an HTML5-based user interface system designed to make responsive web sites and apps that are accessible on all smartphone, tablet and desktop devices.
jQuery Mobile

Apache Kafka is a fast, scalable, distributed publish-subscribe messaging system rethought as a distributed commit log.

Ignite Realtime
Ignite Realtime is the community site for the users and developers of Jive Software's open source Real Time Communications projects. Your involvement is helping to change the open RTC landscape.
Ignite Realtime

SenseiDB is a distributed, realtime, semi-structured database that supports full-text and faceted search, fast realtime index updates, and fast key-value lookup.
Other Projects
- hubot-skype - Adapter for Hubot to talk to Skype.
- Katta - Katta is a scalable, failure tolerant, distributed, data storage for real time access. Katta serves large, replicated, indices as shards to serve high loads and very large data sets. These indices can be of different type. Currently implementations are available for Lucene and Hadoop mapfiles.
- Tasmo - Tasmo is a system that enables application development on top of event streams and HBase. Its functionality is similar to a materialized view in a relational database, where data is maintained at write time in the forms it is needed at read time for display and indexing.